Does Posting Memes Really Help Increase Engagement?

Written by Alanna Moore

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn — no matter which social media app you’re on, you’re sure to see all kinds of meme content. Due to such, the Brand’s Media Group team has a number of reasons why we believe posting memes helps increase your business’ engagement, here are some of the biggest reasons.

Memes are relatable and relatable content is shareable

The fact that people can relate to them is one of the main reasons why memes are so popular. Memes are an easy way to express humour. You can increase the likelihood of your audience engaging with your content by posting memes that are relevant to them. Your audience may also share your content with their friends and followers due to memes' high shareability, which broadens your brand's reach!

Memes create discussion

Conversations and interactions are frequently sparked by memes. Posting memes gives your audience a place to interact with your brand, especially if the content asks for thoughts or opinions. Such can also allow you to gain valuable insight into what your community likes and wants to see more of.

Your brand's personality can be portrayed through memes

Memes can help you develop a personality for your brand that resonates with your audience. You can project an image of your brand that’s more approachable by posting light-hearted content that makes people laugh. People are more likely to engage with your content when they see your brand as more relatable and personable.

Memes can make people more aware of brands

Spreading memes can also help spread the word about your brand. Memes, as we said, are very easy to share, and if your meme goes viral, it could reach a much larger audience than your typical social media post. Plus, you can establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry by consistently posting memes that are relevant to your audience and brand.

In conclusion, increasing your brand's social media engagement can be done by posting memes — and you get to make fun content while doing it. A win-win! How do you feel about using memes to increase engagement? Let us know below.


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